Saturday, 14 January 2017

Creatures in the garden

A good garden should have all sorts of insects. A gardener hopes for the good kinds - ladybugs, bees, even ants. But, there are all sorts of creatures that inhabit the garden.

I managed to capture a few on camera.

Bees: Always the most looked forward to in a garden. Where there are bees, there are flowers and fruits. This one was captured on the Orange tree, busily pollinating the various flowers.


Butterfly: The presence of a butterfly is advantageous and disadvantageous. The obvious advantage is pollination and a visual treat (like this one). But, their life-cycle includes caterpillars. And caterpillars love to chew leaves with a voracious appetite. Anyway, this one was too good looking for me to worry about caterpillars.

And lastly, I do not know what this is. But looks interesting.

Unidentified insect