I started this blog in September 2014 because I wanted to capture our very first garden in Australia. Our interest grew from being a necessary fortnightly lawn mowing task to an everyday 10-min stroll looking at the plants.
Our gardening interest continued even when we moved to India. The medium was different as we moved from a backyard to a terrace to a balcony. The weather was different moving from 9-months-winter to 9-months-dry-heat to an even-mix-of-seasons. But the interest in setting up a garden we can enjoy, has remained unchanged.
We enjoy working in the garden, planning what to plant and what to harvest. In the years of maintaining a vegetable patch, we have harvested so many and eaten them fresh - nothing can beat that taste! We have hand-picked every single thing - from the plants to the little garden sculptures, from the type of lawn grass to the garden furniture. Gardening is no longer just our hobby, it is a part of our daily life.
When I sat down to write, I debated whether to skim over the past and straightaway get to the lush green present. But the joy is in the journey, what we learnt from growing our own plants and the mistakes we made. Hence, even though this blog started in 2014, the earlier entries were for the years before it. It is a roundabout way of getting to do what I really want to, which is to chronicle the experience.
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