It's here! Finally our new home is getting ready for us to move in. With a 30ft balcony and full sunshine, we are looking forward to building a fully-functional garden.
The first thing on our list was to get a lawn for the doggies. It was most convenient in our Ahmedabad home and not difficult to look after. We already have a lawn mower and shears to cut the grass. In any case, we prefer the Nilgiri grass, which does not grow very fast (except in monsoon).
Lawn at one end of the balcony |
This time we also decided to get a few plants and planters as a package deal along with the grass. We picked out the plants we wanted and gave the contract to a landscaper. This helped us get to a green state much faster! We have picked Boungainvillea, Ruellia (pink and white) and Thunbergia Erecta Blue for the cermaic pots.
Our new plant collection |
Another thing we wanted to add was a feature tree. The choice was between Crepe Myrtle or Frangipani. Finally we went with Frangipani because of the fragrance. This went into a large cement pot, along with Jasmine Rex for underplanting.
Frangipani in a pot |
Finally, we wanted a pot with support for creepers. This is to be placed outside the drawing room door, which is a shady area. We picked Paan and Sweet Potato Vine for the climbers. This has been underplanted by Variegated Money Plant.
Creeper planter |
So this is how our balcony looks now!
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