Sunday, 22 October 2017

The last spring

Soon, we are leaving. And the thing that will stay with me forever is the sight of the garden we created. It is at it's best in spring and fitfully, that will be our last memory of it.

A weed that grew in the veggie patch

Daphne - the star of winter

Tibouchina - first seen in Sydney

Jonquil - could be seen from the kitchen window

Magnolia - filled the garden with it's perfume

Hyacinth - played hide and seek every year

Hyacinth - this one was moved from the original hidden location

Lily - the one we never saw flowering

Asparagus - eaten every year
Lettuce - on and off crop

Chives - grew every year since we planted it and used very often

Variegated Crassula sarmentosa - gift from my parents

Kangaroo Paw - framed the flower

Crassula Gollum - every year it grew thinner fingers

Pig face - what attractive flowers!

Cactus - lone one to survive

Kalanchoe - this one fell and grew in the raised bed by itself

Strawberry - didn't get any, thanks to Mr. Possum

Mint - transplanted from the vertical planter

Virginian stock - a carpet of flowers

Hardenbergia - the citizenship plant

Orange African daisy - few to appear

Purple African daisy - subjected to excessive trimming

Pink African daisy - always flowered profusely

Pomegranate - always the first to set leaf in spring

Orange - every year we had fruit

Lime - picked 3 limes in 7 years

Hakea - quickly grew to be a star

Purple Hebe - lovely shrub

Eternal Daphne - subtle yet omnipresent

Herb planter - the only one to make the trip with us

Hakea flower - a bee favourite

Maple - sophisticated splendour

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